Upcoming Events
Career Fairs
Career fairs give organizations the opportunity to directly recruit candidates. Fairs are the largest events we hold each year, drawing hundreds or thousands of candidates (students/alumni from UNC Charlotte and other colleges/universities).
Wednesday, March 12, 202511:00AM - 2:00PM
UNC Charlotte's Part-time Job Fair provides organizations with an excellent opportunity for recruiting candidates for positions that don't require a college degree.
Tuesday, May 13, 20259:00AM - 2:00PM
Join us for UNC Charlotte's Talent Symposium on May 13th!
Networking Events
These events are designed to give organizations the opportunity to promote brand awareness and meet students in a setting that is less structured than a career fair. We encourage students to attend these events to explore career fields and employers, gain professionalism skills, and learn about potential jobs and internships.
Tuesday, March 25, 20255:00PM - 7:30PM
The Employer Connection Dinner (formerly known as the Etiquette Dinner) provides employers and students the opportunity to network over a 3-course meal while learning dining and professional etiquette.
Other Campus Career Fairs
Information about career fairs that are organized by specific academic colleges, departments, majors, or student organizations (and not hosted by the Career Center). Interested employers should reach out to the event contact below for information on registration, student/alumni attendance, fees, payment methods, etc. Some fairs may be limited to certain employers based on employer type, location, size, or campus involvement.
- Actuarial Science Career Fair, Fall semester - next date: September 27, 2024 | Contact: Gary Crosby, gwcrosby@charlotte.edu
- College of Engineering - to discuss outreach options, contact: Linda Thurman, lthurman@charlotte.edu
- Construction Management & Civil Engineering Technology Networking Event, March 13, 3-7pm, University Place Hilton| Contact: Wayne Goff at wayne.goff@charlotte.edu
- Celebrate and Explore Civil Engineering Day, in person, Fall semester / Spring 2025 tabling opportunity | Contact: Jessica Waldman at jlwaldma@charlotte.edu
- Architecture Career EXPO, held in the Spring semester only; next date is March 28, 2025, 8am-5:30pm | Contact: AIAS student organization at aiasunccharlotte@charlotte.edu or https://www.aiacharlotte.org
- Financial Services Career Fair, in person, Fall & Spring. Next event: February 25, 2025 | Contact: Tom Marshall at tsmarsha@charlotte.edu
- Nursing Career Expo, in person, Spring semester only. | Contact: Susan Lynch at Susan.Lynch@charlotte.edu
- Math/PI Day Celebration and Career Fair, Spring semester only | Contact: Dr. Gary Crosby (gwcrosby@charlotte.edu)