NC Master's & Doctoral Virtual Career Fair

Thursday, November 7, 202412:00PM - 4:00PM

virtual through Handshake

Notice: This event has ended. The information presented below is for historical reference only.

Graduate students, postdocs and graduate alumni from the six participating schools (including UNC Charlotte) are welcome to attend this virtual event, as well as those who may be affiliated with other institutions. To register via the Handshake recruiting platform, review the information below.

Click here to access the event page.

Registration graduate students, postdocs and graduate alumni at Duke University, NC State University, UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, UNC Greensboro, and Wake Forest University will open on October 21, 2024.

Graduate students, postdocs, and graduate alumni are invited to attend the NC Master's & Doctoral Virtual Career Fair on November 7, 2024, 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm on Handshake. In order to register for the fair you need a Handshake account. If you already have an account, you are already one step closer to registering for the fair. Below are instructions if you need to set up an account.

How to set up a Handshake account:

1. Click sign up on the Handshake homepage and select I’m a Student or Alumni.

2. After you create an account, upload your resume by selecting Add New Document. Your resume will be available for employers in Handshake. Once your resume is uploaded you can use the content to fill in your profile.

3. Add remaining information to complete your profile (ex: education, work experience, organization and extracurricular activities, skills, and profile picture).

4. Once your profile is complete, you are ready to explore Handshake. Use your homepage and search for the 2022 Master's & Doctoral Virtual Fair

5. Register for the Fair and sign up for group and 1:1 sessions to connect with employers.


  • Non-Handshake Schools [NC State University, UNC Charlotte]:
  • create a Handshake open account at:
  • Once you create the Handshake Open account, you will need to go to this link to register for the event
  • To be notified when a participating employer sets any sessions, "Follow" that employer

Important Information

*Virtual* Career Fair Information

Prepare in Advance:

Day-of the Virtual Fair:

  • The site will be live for students promptly at 12:00pm EST until 4:00pm EST
  • Participate in the Fair, and remember to follow up with employers after the fair
  • Each/your school with have a Zoom room set up to answer your questions. The Zoom links will be accessible in this virtual career fair (Handshake platform)
  • *You are expected to show up to every employer with whom you RSVP/register, including information sessions. You must cancel your registration/sign-up(s) if you're no longer interested in meeting with an employer in order to give other students the opportunity.
  • Business professional attire is strongly encouraged

Employer Information Sessions during the Virtual Career Fair

Employers may decide to host 30-minute information sessions during the virtual career fair. Use the instructions within the registration link to sign up to attend an employer's information session.

Employers Attending

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